The Cult for Beautiful Things: Angelo Néstore




Ángelo Néstore, @angelonestore

At Alhaja we try to give visibility to beautiful things that beautiful people do. This project wants to support artists who deserve to be seen and recognized. Every week we will tell you a little more about people who have a special gift and we will take a closer look at their work and projects. Welcome to the Alhaja universe, the cult of beautiful things.


Ángelo Néstore, of Italian origin and now settled in Spain, more than a poet, considers that his career revolves around the poetic field in general. In his writings, in addition to developing more intimate verses, he leans towards the current socio-political situation in which we live.


Can you tell us what you do professionally?

Rather than dedicate myself to writing poetry, I would be inclined to say that my professional career revolves around the poetic, which I understand as a hybrid space and a catalyst for what I understand as "poetry." Not only do I publish books, offer readings, conferences and edit, but I also look for external spaces where to project that feeling that is close to poetry, from the living arts or cultural management through disciplines such as translation or artistic co-direction Irreconciliables, the Malaga International Poetry Festival.

«I write from otherness, from strangeness and I look towards the world
with the crossed eye of one who sees what does not fit the hegemonic norm
an opportunity for growth and wealth »
Ángelo wears
Earrings Aro Lolilta River Pearls
Buy here 
How has your professional career been?

I approached the world of poetry from translation, publishing in Italy a book of poems by the writer María Eloy-García. At first, I never thought that she being of Italian origin she would be able to write poems in a foreign language; but experience has shown me that poetry occupies a place that is beyond the linguistic norm and ordinary thought. I write from otherness, from estrangement, and I look at the world with the crossed eye of someone who sees what does not fit the hegemonic norm, an opportunity for growth and wealth.


«The cultural substratum of Leece, a mixture between the tradition of southern Italy
and the influence of the Balkans has forged the person I am today and has opened
Pandora's box of all the topics that I deal with in my poems.»








Ángelo wears
Ring venus

Buy here 




What are your roots? Do they influence your work?


I come from Lecce, a small town in the heel of Italy in which I have lived until I was 21 years old. Its cultural substratum, a mixture between the tradition of the south of that peninsula and the influence of the Balkans, has forged the person I am today and has opened Pandora's box of all the themes that I deal with in my poems. These themes are now also mixed with my new Spanish roots, since I have lived in Malaga for more than eleven years. Hence, the question of the fabric of identity, conceived as a political fiction, has become the central axis of my artistic work.

What inspires you lately?

Everything that happens around me is a source of inspiration. As an artist I cannot fail to offer a look at the socio-political reality in which we live. Therefore, the present always pushes me towards the verse. However, at the same time, I am developing a more intimate poetics about the link between love and death and its more physical dimension: the niche, the dust, the bone, the touch.

What do you like about Alhaja?

What I like the most about Alhaja is that it perfectly represents the concept that encompasses the "poetic", understanding this as the ability to bring poetic fruition to peripheral discourses and alien to what is usually conceived as poetry. Hence, each piece becomes an artifact that transmits a unique message and that allows an aesthetic enjoyment capable of beautifying body and soul.


«What I like the most about Alhaja is that it perfectly represents
the concept that encompasses the "poetic


You can follow Ángelo's work through his instagram: @angelonestore


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